Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The one thing that all false religions seem to have in common is organization. I adhere to the belief that one's spirituality and relationship to God is nothing more than personal. When you start introducing systems of patriarchy and tithing then what should merely be a means of finding happiness become an enterprise of becoming wealthy and powerful simply because a lot of people believe there is some divine channel hooked up to their respective faiths.
If you want a channel to the divine, look no further than yourself. Merely experiencing love and compassion will bring you far closer to God then saying some Hail Marys or firebombing an abortion clinic. People just need to meditate on their lives and on the people of immediate importance to them, the people they love; we all need to realize that the meaning of life is to be meaningful to each other, to act in ways that foster and sustain good relationships with all of the people we are exposed to. Human nature being what it is (quite animal), the only way for us to achieve this kind of universal love is for everybody to find God within themselves, to discover the happiness and contentment that exists simply in caring for each other.
But the question is, where do we begin?
Al Ghazali wrote an "Alchemy of Happiness" a very long time ago.

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