Sunday, July 12, 2009

ओपन यौर माउथ एंड आईटी शाल बे फिल्लेद

Open your mouth, and it shall be filled
Expectations, large and small, are so much a part of our lives. What we expect from each other, and from ourselves. Expectations are so rarely met to complete satisfaction ere my situation in which every expectation I have ever had for myself is currently unfulfilled. At this juncture of my life I have to admit to being a great and tragic failure. I meander through life, allowing unpaid bills, friends, legal indictments to blow past me all caught in some metaphysical breeze which blows away everything that should matter to a person. So this metaphysical aura I carry around me that keeps me from feeling humanly in love, keeps me from sincerely expressing interest in the wellbeing of other people, this follows me everywhere I go and makes it possible for me to ignore all of the everythings that I should be doing, this aura that lies to me in saying there is nothing to life but the day to day, the waking up and working, the saying empty hellos, the tasteless meals eaten more out of necessity than to indulge a passion for flavors, and at the end of it the dreamless sleep, the perfect prelude to another day performed exactly the same way as the day before. I daresay Satan himself, if such a being exists , was the architect of this mind-numbing monotony. The human body is an amazing tool with great capabilities. Several schools of yoga and martial arts have devoted decades or even centuries to maximizing the potentials of the human body, clearly one of the more aesthetically magnificent gifts that God graced us with.
But the mind, in its complexity and potential, has something very special, though not as tangible as opposable thumbs. It is a flowering mystery capable of great things that mere science can not begin to explain, Even the greatest pretenders in philosophy are ultimately baffled by it’s magnificence, its power. The combustion engine, particle accelerators, all this the mind conceived and the hands brought to be but the mind saw it first, comprehended it. Some might call it invention but it is merely learning to manipulate the apparent laws of physics into achieving a desired end.
But must the mind only be the blueprint stage for this process? What if I plan nothing mechanical, nothing tangible, but a re-wiring of my brain itself. There are ways, chemical ways, to shatter ones personality for a short period of time, giving him time to re-allocate certain things, change priorities radically and forever escape the paradigm.
You know of the paradigm, Even if you don’t think you do, you know the paradigm better than anyone. It’s there, telling you that this has to be madness all of this writing and so little said, why, it’s practically gibberish and yet, when you re-read it you might feel something…tug for a moment because I think we all have kind of a feeling, kind of a deep-seated itching feeling that all is not right with this world and that whatever you call dharma or providence or coincidence or that’s-just-the-way-it-is that’s all bullshit. We are not the victims of our environment we are its masters, we are the hands and angels of God but only insofar as we can find her in ourselves. And this is the part where I sound crazy, but if there is a voice the back of your mind, then listen to it, Some call it conscience but it can be so much more than that, some say that it’s the holy spirit or the voice of god and that may be close too… But what that voice is is you, a happier, better you, so talk to it and see what it has to say.

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