Thursday, July 10, 2008

I Wanna Be Sedated

Have you ever wondered whether you could decide to go crazy? Ever taken a look at your life and thought that maybe it’d be easier to make your own world and live in it? A world that seems proper, and that makes sense to you? A whole new existence, a different type of life, spent entirely in the ecstasy of imagination rather than the confinement of reality. What might be different? What would you change?
Then again, what if it’s not really the reality that makes life so difficult, but the living. The going on, continually being aware and concerned for your own well being, thinking about your future and your past and trying not to forget the present, waking up and brushing your teeth every day… Even if you lived in a fantasy world and there was no brushing of teeth, there would be something else to face day after day. It’s no easier to be insane than not, I understand.
And the definition of mental illness is something that is expanding every day – not that there are more crazy people now than 100 years ago or anything, but we’ve started noticing and labeling every little tic and tell in everybody that before long there will be one distinct mental diagnosis for each person and the concept of normality will be logicked out of existence. Of course, in my opinion this is how it always should have been: None of this grouping of completely different personalities together because one sees their commonalities as “symptoms.” A person should be expected to have a personality, however it is connected to their intellect, and this, unless dangerous, should be accepted for what it is: a unique perspective, a different train of thought, a breath of fresh air. The last thing we want is a brave new world of hyper-medicated clone drones, so before thinking something is “wrong” with yourself and rushing to your nearest rich, fat pharmacist, ask yourself whether it is truly a crippling mental disorder you face, or merely the “slings and arrows” making you long for a crutch in a rough patch.

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